Friday, July 30, 2010

7 Weeks old today!

Boy does time fly. I am amazed how a sweet little 9 lb 6 oz little thing can change a home in such a big way. Our home is complete and happy and a little stressed at times too. Here is our happy, cooing, sweet little boy lately...

Gavin can't get enough of him. When he talks to him, his voice goes up about 3 octaves.


Charlene said...

I can't believe how big he is getting!! He is so adorable!!!

Erin said...

Look at how alert he is! He's not the same sleepy baby anymore. And boy, does he look like Gavin or what! So very, very fun. I love the love, Mia.

Jessi, DJ, Annica and Eli said...

how does this happen so quickly! what sweet pictures!