Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last Day of Kindergarten

I'm about 2 weeks behind on this post. Brooklyn is finished with Kindergarten! I'm hoping the saying; "Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten" comes into effect soon. I think we have a little more to teach her.

She had a great year. She didn't miss one day of school. Perfect record. I'm so proud of her and the fact that we made it the school year without getting sick (knocking on wood now). I wanted to make her last day special, so she woke up to a decorated table (again) with a end of school year present. When we got home that day ( I went in to volunteer to help with lunch, etc.) Daddy and Gavin was ready to squirt us with a water gun fight. But, little did they know, Brooklyn and I had Silly String we whipped out! She even got to run through a banner that said "Welcome to 1st Grade!" Brian took off work that day, and to continue our celebration, we went down to Mall of America and had some fun. She deserved every minute of fun she got that day.

I still can't believe I'm going to have a 1st Grader!
(Brooklyn on the first day of school
September 3, 2008)
(Brooklyn on the last day of school
June 5th, 2009)

1 comment:

Mari said...

Oh wow! I can't believe Brooklyn is done with kindergarten. It's been way to long since I saw you last!