Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of 2nd Grade

To stick with a tradition I started when Brooklyn went into Kindergarten, I decorated her breakfast table this morning as a 2nd grade / "Purse"onal Goal setting theme. I had to go simple this year. Not to mention the fact that the baby has taken away most of my "me" time and any form of creativity I normally would have to prepare earlier for this mornings festivities.

She of course was too nervous to eat anything. This was the same result last year. Although, in 2nd grade, they don't have a "snack time." I hope she lasts until 12:30 lunch.

Off to school on Bus #213 with the bus driver named: Torch!


Courtney said...

You're joking, right?

That's SIMPLE - oh dear me. Your expectations must be so much higher than mine especially considering I have no expectations of anything as darling and creative as "purse"onal goal setting. Perhaps an FHE in the future at our house???? I totally WISH I could do something cool like your themes (and I love the chair in your entry way with the potted plant, how festive and "fall"-ish.) Good luck to Brooklyn in 2nd grade and hope she stayed warm enough on the bus this morning!

Andie said...

Torch, LOL! When I was in elementary school I had a bus driver named Venus and one named Elvis.

Jeff and Amy said...

Yay for second grade! I can't believe she is getting so big! And I love your cute craftiness, as always :)