Monday, July 19, 2010

July 4th

Well, July 4th came and went. Since it was on a Sunday this year, we took it easy. That was Brian and the kids first Sunday back after Landen's birth. Once they got home, we headed to my parents house and had a lazy but fun afternoon. My dad purchased this big red ball that week and the kids had a blast in it. They ran like little gerbals in it, and Grandpa would roll them around really fast. It was pretty funny watching them whip around like crash test dummies. Nobody got hurt or injured, so I call that toy a success.

We watched the fireworks from my parents back yard again this year. We take our small fireworks and our lawn chairs and we can watch about 5 different cities fireworks show back there. It's great because our dare devil child, Mr. Gavin, is still scared of the sounds fireworks make. Go figure. So, it's convenient if nothing else. I didn't get any shots of Brooklyn holding the sparklers (probably because she a little scaredy cat too, and was holding them arms stetched away the whole time).

1 comment:

Lara said...

That "gerbil wheel" looks like fun! Your kids are so cute!