Sunday, April 4, 2010

Brooklyn's Spirit Week

The week before spring break, Brooklyn's elementary school had spirit week. Well, as a daughter of a former cheerleader, I wanted to make sure her spirit was at a all time high! GOOOOO SCOTTIES!

It all began on Day #1: Twin day. Brooklyn and one of her best friends, Adam wanted to dress up and I think they look exactly like twins. Okay, not exactly, but close.

Day #2: Opposite Day. She wore her shirt backwards, her shoes on the wrong feet (all day long, I don't know how she did it) and her earrings were opposites as well. These were all her ideas. I tried to have a little input, but needed to back off because of how excited she was about her ideas. I think she did a great job and was still as cute as ever!

Day #3: Sports Day. Mommy has to confess, I ran to Target the night before to buy her this Twins shirt. She hasn't been on any "Sports" teams yet, and I felt bad that I had nothing for her. She was thrilled when she woke up with this shirt waiting for her.

Day #4: Dress Up day. Wouldn't you know it, she had to have gym on dress up day. But, we made it work. She brought extra socks and tennis shoes to change into for gym.

Day #5: Pajama Day. I wasn't too thrilled about this day. I can't stand kids that wear pj's to school. It drives me crazy. Stupid pajama bottoms. Anyway, I had to negotiate with her and told her she could wear a pajama top, but not the pants. Since we had pink jeans that matched her top, she was okay with that. It did sound like a relaxed, and fun day.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Brooklyn is a cutie pie. My kids LOVE spirit days and go all-out every chance they get. Sometimes I have to tone them down before they leave the house.