Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary Honey!

Okay, so I'm two weeks late (no not that), our anniversary was two weeks ago and I've been a little delayed posting about my hubby!

I am the luckiest girl in the world! I love Brian so much and I'm so thankful for the man that he is. He strengthens me, he encourages me, he is so loving, and generous to me and others, he's a fantastic father, a valiant priesthood holder and the man I get to spend eternity with. Like I said, I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

(This was skiing at Brighton- March 5, 2000)

We met on Jan. 5th, 2000. He moved into my singles ward in Utah only a couple houses down from me. He was roommates with my home teacher. I had to go meet this new guy. When I walked into his house, I saw a tall, dark handsome man standing on the stairs that, for a brief moment, took my breath away. I wasn't expecting to feel what I felt at that moment. If you ask him, it probably wasn't that great of a moment for him. But, he does remember what I was wearing, a yellow cardigan (I know a cardigan in the 21st century you ask?! ugghhhh!!) and couldn't remember my name for about two weeks. It was Mya for a while, but I didn't care. We slowly became good friends, then best friends, dated, became good friends again, and finally after my move back to Minnesota in Feb. of 01, we decided to get serious. The distance didn't work for him. I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder. We got married on August 4th, 2001 in the St. Paul, MN Temple.

I could write about our reception, because it was beautiful and everything I ever wanted my reception to be, except for the fact that my new family was spending those few hours in the hospital after a car crash from the Temple to the reception. Brian and I managed to make it through with out going into hysterics, but I know it was really hard on his mom not being there for her only son's reception. I'll maybe post more details of that at a later time. Let's just say, one of my dreams would be to have another reception exactly like it for one of my anniversaries and have the whole family there again healthy and not injured. This was the only picture we have of the whole family! It was 104 degrees that day and we just all wanted to get back to my parents house for the reception and take pictures there. Too bad...


Andie said...

I remember that day! Happy Anniversary!

Also, Mia, don't feel too bad about your cardigan...twin sets were way in in 2000!

Jeff and Amy said...

Happy Anniversary you two! I was thinking about you guys on Aug. 4th, but unfortunately never got around to calling you - I need to get better at that. Anyway, I'm so happy that you married my big bro and I love having you as part of the family!

Becky said...

Happy Anniversary! Cute pics of you and your sweetheart. Wow that's too bad about the accident.

Mari said...

Aaawww, I remember those days in Provo when Brian moved in. Cool how everything works out isn't it. You guys were so cute! You still are of course and now have two cute kids to go along with it. This made me miss you! Any trips to Utah soon?