Monday, July 21, 2008

Mall of America

Brian took one more day off after his parents left last week so we could spend the day doing nothing. We decided however, to go the Minnesota Zoo. We had some passes that we had to use before they expired. I didn't take any pictures there (believe it or not). When we were ready to leave, we realized it would be rush hour, so we decided to stop by Mall of America to waste a few hours before going home. Here are some cute shots of Brooklyn on some rides at Nickelodeon Universe. Gavin also rode the Blue's Clues ride, but I was with him and sorry to say, I couldn't approve of any of the pictures. He loved it though!

We didn't know any of the other kids on this ride. Brooklyn is in the middle (obviously).

Here she is on Magenta from Blue's Clues. Heaven for bid she ride on Blue.

This is how excited Gavin was everytime Brooklyn came back around on the ride. He would look for her and scream when he saw her. So cute!


Andie said...

That last picture of you and Gavin is SO CUTE! I love it! I was at Nickelodeon U. for a field trip with Nolan and I was really impressed. They have lots of stuff for big and little kids to do.

Mari said...

I want to ride on the Blue's Clues ride! Those rides look like a lot of fun. And I must saw that Brooklyn is for sure the cutest one on the ride. And how fun of Gavin to get so excited to see his sister! Your family is the cutest!

ProudPapa said...

Zero in on Brooklyn's face on the magenta blue. So cute and fetching! Thanks so much for uploading the full-res image.