Tuesday, January 4, 2011

6 - 6 1/2 Months

"Dear baby, sweet baby, STOP GROWING!"

Landen is 6 1/2 months and is a pure delight in our home. He's such an easy baby. This is what my baby is into...

He rolls over from tummy to back and back to tummy. He sits up on his own. He eats baby food like crazy (no green beans or peas though). He's been rocking back and forth on all fours. He jumps like I've never seen a baby jump in his Johnny jumper. He doesn't take a pacifier, he sucks his index finger and middle finger together on his left hand. He gives mommy kisses and the best thing of all... He dances on command. We have no idea where he got this, but I must say it is the cutest thing in the whole world. I'm not kidding you, if you just look at him and say "dance" he does the cutest head move ever. And if you start humming or singing, he does the same thing. Check out the video below!

I can't imagine our home without Landen. I'm so thankful that I get to be his mommy.

Get ready for it...

Video Coming soon


Andie said...

Oh my goodness, that boy looks like his Grandpa!

Lara said...

What a great looking bunch you have! They're all adorable!