Monday, November 22, 2010

October in a nut shell...

I must not have taken any pictures though out October. Some months are crazier than others. I did manage to take some shots while we were at our annual Apple Farm and Pumpkin Farm excursion.

On that hay barrels at Aamodts Apple Farm

Annual shot of Brooklyn in front of the pumpkins.

Gavin and his silly smiles. What are ya gonna do? Gotta love 'em.

Landen's first pumpkin sighting. He has to get pictures like everyone else.

Okay, so your wondering why in the world would she dress her daughter up as Cleopatra for Halloween. I'll tell you why. Because at Party City, if you look at the wall of costume ideas for girls (with in the 2 row radius and not looking at the adult women costumes glaring you down next to you), the only modest dress we saw was this. I have to admit, she looked adorable in it.

Gavin was a Hamburger this year. Simple. Done. He liked it. He did not, however, enjoy trick or treating this year. We went to my moms neighborhood, which has no street lamps, and every house owns a dog. As soon as we started walking up a driveway the dogs would go crazy. We were trying to cheer him up and Brooklyn says: "Gavin, I love halloween!" We all waited to hear what he was going to say. He said, "I don't. I like Christmas." Well, can't argue with him there.

And of course, my sweet little pumpkin. He was not having it. Landen was a trooper for as long as we needed him to be. This was the best shot.

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