Monday, November 22, 2010

Landen at 5 months

I can't believe my baby is 5 months already. He is such a good boy. He sleeps all night, is always happy, & eats great.

He doesn't take a pacifier, he only sucks his two fingers (index and middle) on his left hand. He'll take the right but his preference is his left.

He LOVES Brooklyn. She puts a huge smile on his face when she gets home from school every day and runs to see him.

This little man is so strong. He has been since birth, but her will push himself up on his tummy with his arms fully extended now. He rolls from his tummy to his back, and is very close to rolling back onto his tummy again. His new thing is squealing as loud as he can.

Wait until you see him on his "Johnny Jumper" The cutest thing ever! He will stay in that thing for 30 minutes and just bounces away. Check out the video...

5 months and he's already eating rice cereal. I thought it was too early, but when we tried it, he LOVED it, and that's an under statement. He couldn't get enough. Doesn't make that big of a mess either because it all goes in his mouth. Obviously he needed some more food during the day, and this has been great. A little relief for mommy.


Lara said...

What a great looking family you have! Congratulations on your daughter's baptism! :)

The Olson Family said...

Adorable! We got a jenny jump up for Brooke and she did not jump or even move much in it at all. LOL I love your blog fun to look at!